Stained Glass Portuguese Chapel Windows in Woodside, California

stained glass Chowchilla church flor acoriana chapel side window california
stained glass Chowchilla church flor acoriana chapel side window detail california


Woodside, California


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Stained Glass Portuguese Chapel Windows in Woodside, California

John Espinola built 3 donor windows in the chapel with the same design, one rich in symbolism. The crown is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Espinola used clear textured glass for that, plating darker glass pieces behind some of the light ones for shadows.

The 9 stars are cut from deep blue glass and glued to the front panes. They represent the 9 Islands of the Azores. The textured colored glass used for the flowers makes them look like the hydrangeas that bloom in profusion all over the Azores. Each donor panel is hand painted and fired so the information is permanent.

The borders of purple, clear bevels and textured gold glass are common to all the donor windows as well as the transom window shown on this site.

John Espinola

Artist & Owner

+1 (408) 379-6002