Color Splash Stained Glass Window in Campbell, California

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Campbell, California


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Color Splash Stained Glass Window in Campbell, California

Stained glass artist John Espinola created this window for a homeowner who wanted a focal point at the end of the main hallway. Pale gold bevels and green water glass provide a border for a design of long rectangular bevels and textured clear glass.

Diamond-shaped pieces of opaque colored glass add warmth while small faceted square jewels add brilliance. Espinola soldered 1/4″ stainless steel bracing perpendicular to the back of the window along the lead lines at the bottom of the bottom long bevels.

Bracing distributes the weight of the panel more evenly and prevents the sagging that is common to many stained glass pieces over time.

John Espinola

Artist & Owner

+1 (408) 379-6002